Sunday, November 27, 2011

eco-friendly christmas markets & local handmade goodness!

well... we could go on about how fast the year has travelled, but it's all been said before.  something much more exciting is how far the whole handmade, local, eco-friendly christmas consumerism message is branching out.  evidently it's very in vogue right now, and those of us who have been making handmade our way of life for ages might be rolling our eyes just a little bit, but it's fantastic to see nonetheless.  ideally each community would be able to support and sustain an endeavour such as the con artists markets, and hopefully this is what we will be seeing into the future.  it's a tiny and great pleasure to know that our community is able to support our makers to create for them, to be an important part of creating and maintaining a sustainable local economy.  because what's even more exciting than people coming to shop at the con artists markets is the idea that our market existing is encouraging people to think about what and how they do, and the ripples from that circle can have the most profound effects.  we're getting a bit philosophical over here at the con artists markets.  perhaps this is equivalent to the way people start thinking about the whole religious side of christmas...  we like to think of it transformed - craft being the religion and the way through to a whole new enriched way of living. and so on that note... two more markets to finish the year, and an ode to crafting we're sure they'll be.  lots of handmade eco-friendly locally made crafty things for the people you love most & some more x

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