Friday, June 3, 2011

an update of all things wintery goodness and us

well, these months do go by so fast and it's exciting and daunting all at once.  there's been lots of making on the go and we're looking forward to a lovely big market this coming saturday.

the reason for the extra post is that there are going to be a few bits of extra goodness at the june 4 market that we wanted to let you know about...  firstly, the lovely and talented alan ussher is going to be doing some live glass blowing, so you'll get a chance to see how he creates some of the beautiful things he makes.  we've also recently done an interview with al that we'll be loading on to the blog very shortly - it's a great insight into his creative journey and very inspiring to know that he's so committed to the glass blowing form, something that seems relatively rare these days.

some other bits of exciting for saturday are that some of the lovely folk from evoke yarn and fabric will be joining us on the lawns after midday for a spot of knitting in preparation for international yarn bombing day.  you may have read about some crafty guerilla knitters who are getting ready to decorate the streets on june 11, and this is your chance to join in the fun.  BYO knitting needles and yarn - there will be some provided, but if you have some bring them along.  unlike many other places in the world,  lismore council is actually embracing international yarn bombing day, so even though it may not have the appeal of genuine civil disobedience, it's awesome that the relevance and changing face of craft is being acknowledged and given space to develop and thrive.  we hope to see you sitting on the lawn knitting for at least part of the day! 

we're also going to be running our raffle again on saturday - tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5, and you go in the draw to win a fabulous voucher to the value of $50 to spend at any of the con artists market stalls.  gotta be in it to win it...

and finally, there's a great line up of local music as part of the conservatorium's monthly cushion concerts.  see our previous blog post for all the goss.

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