Tuesday, December 28, 2010

bring in the new year crafty style

Come unwind, unravel, find some treasure and get over your new years hangover in good crafty company at our very first market for 2011. Lots of our fabulous stallholders + new years cheer + you lovely folk = a beautiful day ♥ 

We're hoping to have some live music organised as the Conservatorium and they're monthly ConCerts aren't due back for a while yet.  Last time we had the fabulous Black Train play for us - if we're lucky and the planets align in just the right way they might be back... If it's raining flood-like we won't be on, but otherwise, we'll be seeing you there.  BYO banana lounges & new years cheer xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hi I would like to have a store at your market you can visit my blog which I have just started and Facebook and website www.threadsofgrace.com.au

    Like your blog
